New Crew Registration
A career on yachts can be like no other. It can be hard to get your first opportunity though because of not knowing exactly how the process works, what should be on your CV, and how best to engage with finding a job.
Below is what we, and most Crew Agents and hiring staff want to see on your CV followed by a New Crew FAQ that hopefully will help answer a lot of your questions.
Your CV, certifications all ready? Click the link to register with NCA. For more information scroll down.
Whether you are looking for full-time, rotational, seasonal, or freelance we can help find the right crew for you.
NCA takes a very hands on and direct approach to get to know the vessels, Captains, and crew they work with to find the best fit and solutions for all parties to get long-term success.
For Yacht CV Help And Tips Scroll Below
You will need to upload a current up to date copy of your CV, copies of any certifications or licenses, and refrences letters if you have them.
Please follow up with us by email if you have not heard from us within a week about setting up an interview.
You do not have to, but it does make a difference if you are in a major yacht port town like Fort Lauderdale for at some time to do in person interviews and network. Most people use the time when they are in town taking their courses to interview as well.
Daywork is temporary work for crew that ranges anywhere from a day to over a week. Vessels typically hire dayworkers to help with simple tasks and projects like cleaning, organizing, sanding, painting, etc. It usually pays between $125-$175 per day. It is a great way to may new contacts that can lead to job and make some money in the process.
Vessels often post these jobs online or try to source from crew agencies.
Not all jobs are full-time. There are seasonal and freelance positions as well. Freelance are typically paid a day rate between $200-$250 per day depending on your experience. Chefs can make up to $550 per day depending on their experience.
Of course it largely depends on your experience but the range for an entry level Deckhand or Stew is $2500-$4500 US per month, and for chefs $4500-$9000 depending on experience and position.
No. And you should never agree to pay anyone that asks to be paid for getting you a job. All crew agents get paid by the vessel.
Charter boats are ones that allow their boats to be booked through charter agencies for large amounts of money per week.
Crew on charter boats typically get tipped a gratuity for trips based on 20% of the total charter amount. It can amount to thousands of dollars depending on boat and amount.
Private boats are ones that do not charter.